Carolina Marín Pedreño

Socio y Encargado del Departamento de niños
"She's hugely talented and takes on many big cases. She's first class"Chambers UK 2022


Carolina es abogada española y solicitor inglesa, directora de nuestro reconocido departamento de derechos de los niñas, niños y adolescentes. 

Carolina es especialista en sustracción internacional de menores entre países firmantes del Convenio de la Haya de 1980 y países no firmantes, disputas jurisdiccionales, reconocimiento y ejecución de sentencias extranjeras, traslado de residencia, custodia, divorcios, casos de tutela y acogida en particular la acogida de menores por familiares fuera de la jurisdicción de Inglaterra y Gales, filiación por subrogación y adopción internacional.

Carolina se licenció en Derecho por la Universidad de Murcia completando sus estudios de Derecho en la Universitá degli Studi Magna Græcia, Italia con el programa Erasmus. En Noviembre del 2003 comenzó sus prácticas en Dawson Cornwell habiendo sido seleccionada por el programa europeo "Leonardo Da Vinci", por la Fundación Universidad Empresa de la Región de Murcia. En 2011 ganó el 1er Premio de la International Academy of Family Lawyers para abogados jóvenes de familia por su artículo Five Years On and Proposals for Reform –pinche aquí para leer el artículo. Actualmente es la Vicepresidenta de la prestigiosa y selecta academia. 

Carolina es asignada por la Autoridad Central en Inglaterra (International Child Abduction and Contact Unit) para representar a progenitores en casos de sustracción de menores. Es recomendada por la organización no gubernamental Reunite como especialista en sustracción internacional. Entre sus cargos destacamos que es Comisionada en Londres por el Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Murcia, fundadora y Vicepresidenta de la asociación española ASIME de profesionales de la sustracción internacional de menores, Presidenta de la Comision de Derechos Humanos de UIA, miembro de Asociación Española de Abogados de familia, (AEAFA), Resolution y de la Asociacion of Abogados de Menores.

Carolina fue elegida Decana del Colegio de Abogados de Westminster and Holborn Law Society y actualmente es la Presidenta de su comité internacional.
El periódico The Times la nombró abogada de la semana por su representación legal en el caso de dos menores retenidos en Rusia, por la exitosa aplicación por primera vez entre Rusia e Inglaterra del Convenio de la Haya 1996 de protección de menores. Ha representado a partes en la Corte de Apelación en Londres y en la mayoría de los pocos casos de sustracción internacional de menores que han llegado a la Corte Supreme del Reino Unido. También ha representado a padres frente al Tribunal Europeo de Justicia y ante la Corte europea de Derechos Humanos. Fuera del continente europeo ha formado parte de equipos legales que han intervenido en casos frente a la Corte Suprema de Justica de Estados Unidos y la Corte Interamericana de Justica. La lista de los numerosos casos publicados donde ha representado a alguna de las partes se encuentra abajo.

Carolina es invitada como ponente por la Conferencia de la Haya, asociaciones internacionales y universidades en todo el mundo. La prensa nacional española la ha consultado en varias ocasiones sobre derecho de familia internacional e inglés.

Carolina es autora de varios artículos y contribuciones pero destacaría la publicación del libro Sustracción Internacional de Menores y el proceso legal para la restitucion del menor, cuyo prólogo está firmado por el Juez de Enlace para España, Francisco Javier Forcada Miranda, libro al que se han referido sentencias internacionales. 

Su lengua materna es el castellano pero habla con fluidez inglés e italiano.

Awards & Recognitions

Leading Children Lawyer
Carolina Marín Pedreño was recognised as Preeminent in the "Leading Children Lawyers" category as well as being recognised in the "Leading Family & Divorce Lawyers" category.
London edition of the 2024 Doyle's guide

Leading Individual (Band 1)
Carolina Marín Pedreño is head of the firm's children department and has a wealth of international expertise including leave to remove matters and cross-border abduction cases. As a native Spanish speaker who is dual-qualified in Spain and England and Wales, she frequently advises clients on cases concerning Spain and Latin American jurisdictions. “I know a client is in good hands when working with Carolina - she goes out of her way and fights for them while being very compassionate.” “She is one of the leading international child abduction lawyers in the country. She has a very fine tactical sense and good client care.” “Carolina is hugely experienced in the field and has a very good strategic mind. She knows the law inside out and back to front and she is very good with clients.” "Carolina is incredibly well connected with lawyers in other jurisdictions. If you need an expert she always knows the best person to approach."
Chambers UK 2024

Leading Individual
“Carolina Marin Pedreño is a practitioner of great experience, and of the highest international, as well as domestic, standing, with recognition at governmental level, and in her membership and leadership of prominent international bodies.” "Carolina Marin Pedreño is renowned for her skill in family law around the globe". Carolina Marin Pedreño is a "standout partner in an international children law department with significant depth".
Legal 500 2024

Leading Individual (Band 1)
Carolina Marín Pedreño frequently advises clients on issues with Spanish or Latin American elements. She has considerable experience of acting on behalf of clients on leave to remove matters and cross-border abduction cases. "Carolina is exceptionally brilliant with clients. She is great at reassuring them, exploring complicated concepts and navigating them through the world of family law together." "She is always up to date, pragmatic and responsive." "She picks up on all of the issues involved quickly but her biggest strength is her international connections." "She offers an extraordinary level of technical preparation, listening, answering, warmness and humour!"
Chambers UK 2023

Next Generation Partner
“Carolina Marin Pedreño is a highly dedicated lawyer who was my solicitor for a child abduction issue. She is hardworking, professional, tactical, strategic and aims to resolve matters in a non-confrontational way. Carolina even took my messages while on vacation and her advise was always spot on. Her team is excellent.
Legal 500 2023

Leading Individual (Band 1)
A specific area of strength for Carolina Marín Pedreño lies in advising clients on issues with Spanish or Latin American elements. She has considerable experience of acting on behalf of clients on leave to remove matters and cross-border abduction cases. "She's personable, constructive and collaborative." "She's hugely experienced with an international profile. She is extraordinarily good with clients and sees cases in a strategic way. She's hugely talented and takes on many big cases. She's first class." "She is an experienced cross-border children lawyer who is very capable."
Chambers UK 2022

Next Generation Partner
“Carolina Marin Pedreño — hardworking, tactical, impressively intelligent Head of the Children Team. Particularly strong on international children cases with a real feel for the right answer or the optimal answer for a client.”
Legal 500 2022

Leading Individual (Band 1)
A specific area of strength for Carolina Marín Pedreño lies in advising clients on issues with Spanish or Latin American elements. She has considerable experience of acting on behalf of clients on leave to remove matters, cross-border abduction cases and financial disputes. "Without exception clients tell me how much they have enjoyed working with her and how supportive she is. She is absolutely brilliant." "She is a walking encyclopaedia regarding cross-border issues. She has a very clear way of explaining the most difficult and complex cases regarding jurisdiction and applicable law." "She's absolutely superb and has a fantastic grounding in all manner of international law."
Chambers UK 2021

Next Generation Partner
Carolina Marin Pedreño “has strong experience at the highest level of international cases. Her tactical judgement is excellent, and her international links and knowledge are impressive.”
Legal 500 2021

Leading Individual (Band 1)
Carolina Marín Pedreño is a well-regarded bilingual practitioner who has extensive experience in Spanish and Latin American matters. Her international practice encompasses abduction, leave to remove and care proceedings, as well as cross-border financial disputes. One source remarks: "She is an extremely conscientious and competent lawyer who always acts with integrity and with her clients' best interests at heart."
Chambers & Partners 2020

Next Generation Partner
"Carolina Marín Pedreño has a great client manner and a very good tactical mind".
Legal 500 2020

Leading Individual (Band 1)
Carolina Marín Pedreño "always wants the best for her clients" and is "fearless, enormously experienced and extremely conscientious," according to interviewees. She is highlighted for her strength in matters involving the international abduction of children, as well as cases involving contact and residence orders.
Chambers & Partners 2019

Leading Individual (Band 1)
Carolina Marín Pedreño has earned a reputation as one of the foremost international children lawyers, offering particular expertise in cases with a Spanish element as a dual-qualified practitioner. Interviewees describe her as "a wonderful professional with great knowledge of both UK and Spanish children law at the same time as international regulation."
Chambers & Partners 2018

Carolina has “strong experience at the highest level of international cases.
Legal 500 2017

Leading Individual (Band 1)
Carolina Marín Pedreño is "absolutely superb: very sure-footed and authoritative" "provides certainty in the labyrinth of EU law on relocation and child abduction cases," according to commentators. She is qualified in both the UK and Spain and is an industry expert in multi-jurisdictional child issues.
Chambers & Partners 2017

Leading Individual
EU Law expert Carolina Marín Pedreño is a go-to practitioner for cross-border work involving both public and private children cases. Interviewees describe her as “very experienced and aware of all the new movements coming out” noting that she is “very good with clients and great in a crisis”.
Chambers & Partners 2016

very experienced in international cases at the highest level”.
Legal 500 2016

Leading Individual
Carolina Marín Pedreño is an experienced children law practitioner with expertise in international private law proceedings and particular strength in Anglo-Iberian matters.
Chambers & Partners 2015

pleasant and absolutely dedicated to clients”.
Legal 500 2015

Leading Individual
Carolina Marín Pedreño handles a range of cross-border cases and is noted for her capacity to advise Spanish clients and Spanish speaking clients, which is aided by her Spanish language skills and her dual qualification in England & Wales and Spain.
Chambers & Partners 2014

Leading Individual
She “has a deep understanding of these cases and she is able to predict what is going to happen and what is the best thing to do at each moment in time”. She is a dual qualified English lawyer and Spanish Abogado, and regularly acts for Spanish speaking clients and individuals whose cases involve Spanish speaking countries. She is noted for her particular specialism in cross-border children matters.
Chambers & Partners 2013

Reported Cases
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Carolina has written numerous articles both in English and in Spanish language legal journals including:

Emergency Line