From 1 December 2022 Dawson Cornwell has converted from a partnership to a limited liability partnership.

From 1 December 2022 Dawson Cornwell has converted from a partnership to a limited liability partnership.

Dawson Cornwell is the trading name for Dawson Cornwell LLP a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales under registered number OC441340. Its registered office is at 11 Staple Inn, London WC1V 7QH.

The members of Dawson Cornwell LLP (who we call partners) are solicitors qualified to practise in England and Wales. The term partner is used to refer to a member of Dawson Cornwell LLP or an employee of equivalent standing. A list of members’ names is available for inspection at our registered office or supplied on request.

We would like to assure all our clients that this change does not affect the high standard of service we will continue to provide to you.

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