Find us at our offices in Staple Inn
最近的停车场是布卢姆茨伯里广场停车场 (Bloomsbury Square Car Park),从该停车场步行 5 分钟可到达我们办事处。红狮广场 (Red Lion Square) 本身也有限时 2 小时的计时停车场
最近的两个公交站是西奥博尔德路 (Theobalds Road) 站(第 19、38、55、243 路公交)和皮克特街 (Procter Street) 站(第 8、25、242、521 路),步行 5-10 分钟便可到达。
最近的地铁站是霍尔本 (Holborn),位于皮卡迪利线 (Piccadilly) 和中央线 (Central) 交汇处,距离我们办事处有 5 分钟的步行路程。霍尔本地铁站距离希斯罗机场 (Heathrow Airport) 大约需要 40 分钟,可乘皮卡迪利线直达。
如发生儿童绑架、逼婚或其他与儿童有关的紧急事件,请拨打我们的紧急联系电话:+44 (0)79 5252 5699
Make an Enquiry
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Any data that you submit using this web form will be held by our firm as Data Controller and will be held securely for 6 months before being securely and confidentially destroyed. Your data will not be disclosed to any third parties without your consent or as otherwise allowed by the relevant Data Protection legislation and will only be used for responding to your query (or purposes associated with that purpose).
You have the right to be informed about what data we hold about you along with other rights set out in the legislation. Further information about your rights under the data protection legislation can be found at
Full details can be found on our website’s Privacy Notice.